Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Here we go...I guess this is my intro

O.K. guys, I'm siting here looking out the window to a million inches of wind whipped snow, and I guess there really is no excuse anymore for not finally hunkering down and starting a blog.

I have been asked multiple time why I don't already do this, and I never have a valid excuse. Truth be told, I'm lazy. I feel that once I start this, and put it out there for everyone to see I'm going to be chained to this blog, and have to keep to a schedule for updates, and that I worry that I'm going to run out of material and have to search for more, and I can see this becoming quite stressful instead of fun. And, I mean, that's why I got into this scene, to have some fun and forget about the stress of normal life. But, alas, as much as I want to keep the party going forever; I feel that my life is craving a bit of normalcy right now, and a change of pace all togeher; so this may be a good thing for me. And, yes, I feel so old right now.

This blog is basically going to be my soap box to spew out my jaded, old school, cranky ass opinions and elitist thoughts for what I consider the best that the edm scene has to offer. past, present and future. Stateside and across the pond. Multi genre. I won't know until I sit down to post a new blog what I'm going to share, so this should be exciting and surprising for both of us. I might even throw in a history lesson or two. Perhaps a shout box for you guys if anyone winds up reading this mess of jumbled thoughts that constantly run through my head.

Now, when you first visit(and from here on out), you may see be familiar names and faces, or you could be looking at a room of complete strangers(depending on the day and what kind of theme I've got goin on in my head). Don't get nervous though, because hopefully, and in plurry spirit of parties past; you'll find your inner raver again, open up and give those interesting looking strangers a spin, maybe kinda like what you see and hear, and possibly make one of those amazing new connections we all used to crave that will stay with us for a life time.